Tips for Making Your Outdoor Space Functional and Comfortable in All Seasons | Carolina Terrain
The weather in Waxhaw, North Carolina can be unpredictable. Although we may get a lot of sunshine here in the South, temperatures can drop quickly during the winter or skyrocket during summer. To ensure that your outdoor space is comfortable and functional all year round, it’s important to plan for the seasons. This might mean adding heaters or awnings for cooler months, or misters and fans for hot weather. Keep reading to find some useful tips on how to make your landscape more accommodating no matter the season! Winterizing Your Landscape When the temperature starts to dip, it’s time to think about ways you can winterize your landscape. One great way of doing this is by installing patio heaters. Patio heaters are available in a variety of sizes, styles and prices so you can pick one that fits both your budget and needs. They come in both gas-powered and electric models, so make sure you do your research before buying one to ensure you’re getting the best opti...